Budget Frequently Asked Questions

  • Below are answers from frequently asked questions about Keller ISD's budgeting process and Texas public school finance. 

  • How much of a deficit is KISD facing for the 2024-25 school year?

  • How is Keller ISD funded?

  • Why is KISD facing a budget crisis?

  • How have flattened enrollment and attendance over the recent years impacted the budget?

  • If we know that the funding per student will never be 100%, it appears to be mid 90% regularly, why do we budget at 100%?

  • Can you explain the basic allotment and how the state funding formula works?

  • What are "unfunded mandates" from the state, and how are they exasperating financial challenges?

  • What is “Recapture” and how does it affect KISD?

  • What has the District done already to ease these challenges in the 2023-2024 budget?

  • Why don’t you just cut administrative positions? The central office is bloated with overpaid staff.

  • What is the district’s fund balance and how is it used?

  • Which one-time solutions have already been utilized, and how did they work?

  • What ways can funding be increased?

  • Why do you blame the state for KISD's current budget issues?

  • What is the state surplus? What does it really mean?

  • What is the current district property tax rate?

  • What is the difference between Maintenance and Operations (M&O) and Interest & Sinking (I&S)?

  • What are “golden pennies,” and how do they affect funding?

  • I paid too much taxes and you guys are not paying enough money to the teachers.

  • Why doesn’t KISD just raise taxes?

  • If we are “supposed” to be funded at $6,160 per student under the ADA funding and we will never have 100%, where is the rest of the money?

  • If my property taxes are so high, where are those funds going?

  • Why haven’t you been more open about the realities of the budget crisis?

  • Does the Keller ISD budget have to be approved by TEA?