AVID Elementary
AVID elementary focuses on grades kindergarten through six and is designed to be embedded into the daily instruction of elementary classrooms across entire grade levels to maintain schoolwide structures.
Key Components of AVID Elementary
- Student Success Skills: Habits, behaviors, strategies that students learn, strengthen, and maintain throughout their academic careers
- Learning to: Write, Inquire, Collaborate, Organize, Read
- Partnerships for life-long success: Building community in the classroom and grade level
Empowering students in an AVID elementary classroom:
- Student confidence and self-pride
- Student awareness of strengths and areas for growth
- Culture of high expectations
- Set, monitor, and celebrate individual, group, and classroom goals
Keller ISD AVID Elementary Campuses:
Basswood Elementary
Bluebonnet Elementary
Heritage Elementary
North Riverside Elementary
Parkview Elementary
Sunset Valley Elementary