Student Drug Testing Program

  • Keller ISD has implemented a voluntary drug-testing program at its middle and high school campuses.

    The program will be strictly voluntary and free of cost to students and families, while serving as a deterrent to illegal drug use and assisting the district in enforcing a drug-free educational environment.

    Click here to download the Parent Consent Form
    (Programa Voluntario de Deteccion de Drogas Consentimento y Liberacion de Responsabiliadad)

    Below is a summary of the program:


    • Available to any middle school or high school student, with parental consent
    • Strictly voluntary and no cost to student or family


    • To prevent injury, illness, and harm
    • To enforce a drug-free environment
    • Deter use of illegal substances
    • To educate students about the harm caused by illegal substances


    • District will conduct meetings for parents prior to beginning of each semester to explain policy and granting consent
    • Attendance at meetings is strongly encouraged


    • Student and/or parent must consent before a student can participate in the program
    • If a student is under 18, parent or guardian must also sign consent form
    • Parent may revoke consent at any time

    Use of Results:

    • Test results alone will not be used to impose disciplinary action, academic penalties, or criminal prosecution
    • However, any student who commits a disciplinary offense will be subject to consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct


    • Results will be strictly confidential and will be disclosed only to student, parent, and designated district officials who need to inform or refer for services
    • Results will not be maintained in a student’s academic record


    • Contracted laboratory personnel will collect urine samples under condition no more intrusive than those experienced in a public restroom
    • Samples will be produced by student from behind a closed restroom stall
    • A district or laboratory representative of the same gender will be present when samples are collected

    Random Testing:

    • Random tests shall be conducted on as many as four dates throughout the year
    • The contracted laboratory shall generate the random sample of students to be tested on each testing date. Students will not receive prior notice of the testing date or time

    Refusal to Test or Tampering:

    • A student, whose parent has signed consent, who refuses to test, or who is determined to have tampered with a sample, will be deemed to have a positive test result and will be subject to the appropriate provisions of a positive test result
    • A student who is randomly selected to be tested, but is absent on the day of testing, will have a sample collected on the next random testing date

    Positive Test Results:

    • An initial positive test will be confirmed by a second test of the same sample before it is reported as positive
    • Any positive result will require a mandatory meeting between designated district officials and the student and parent; during the meeting, the student/parent will be provided with available resources
    • Any student who tests positive will automatically be tested again on the next random testing date