5th Grade

  • Welcome to Fifth Grade! We are excited that you are joining BCI for this school year. Students in fifth grade will have four core content classes, a rotating Co-Curricular choice, a FLEX period, and a lunch/recess period.


    Some students will have three teachers (Math, ELA, Science/Social Studies) while others may have four core content teachers (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies). Science and Social Studies alternate A/B days regardless of whether a student has three or four teachers. Core content classes are 90 minutes long, while others (CoCurr, FLEX, lunch/recess) are 45 minutes long. 


    If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. Contact information is located on each individual teacher page.

    To review the 5th Grade Curriculum videos from our teachers, please watch the playlist below. Note, there are multiple videos associated with this playlist!

    For fifth grade ELA information, please CLICK HERE

    For fifth grade CoCurricular information, please CLICK HERE
