Arrival and Dismissal

  • Student Arrival Traffic Procedures

    Freedom Elementary is open to students starting at 7:40 a.m. daily. Students will go straight to their
    classrooms. Students who eat breakfast will go to the cafeteria to get their breakfast and will eat in the
    classroom. There is no supervision for students dropped off before 7:40 a.m. so we highly suggest
    students not arrive before that time. 

    Mobile phones are never to be used in the parking lot while your car is running.

    Refer to the traffic map below for a visual of student arrival procedures, as well as, parking
    and no-parking areas. Remember that these procedures are put in place for every child’s safety. Everyone
    following the procedures will help to make drop-off safe and quick for all.

    1. Kindergarten students (and their older school-aged siblings) who are dropped off by car will enter
    the school from the Kindergarten wing (east canopy). Kindergarten parents will form a line in the
    right lane. When you pull into the Kindergarten Arrival Zone a teacher will help your child out of
    your car. A staff member will direct you to move your car line to the left hand lane at the crosswalk close to the
    school so you may exit the parking lot.

    2. Third grade and Second grade parents with students whose last names start with the letters A-L will be
    dropped off at the Third grade wing (west canopy). Parents in the drop-off line for Third grade and
    Second grade with students whose last names start with the letters A-L will form a line in the left lane.
    A staff member will direct your line to move to the right hand lane at the crosswalk close to the building.
    When you pull into the Arrival Zone, your child may exit the car and walk into the third grade hall.

    3. First grade (and their older school-aged siblings) will enter the school from the first grade wing
    (east wing), in the back parking lot. Enter the back parking lot from Bison Drive and stay in the left
    hand lane. A staff member will direct your car line to move to the right hand lane at the crosswalk close to
    the building. When you pull into the Arrival Zone a teacher will be there to help your child out of
    the car.

    4. Fourth grade and Second grade parents with students whose last names start with the letters M-Z will be
    dropped off at the Fourth grade hall (west wing). Enter the back parking lot from Bison Drive and
    stay in the right hand lane. When you pull into the Arrival Zone, your child may exit the car and
    walk into the Fourth grade hall. A staff member will direct you to move your car to the left hand lane at the
    crosswalk close to the school so you may exit the parking lot.

    Please have your child ready to exit the car on the passenger side of the vehicle.

    Parents may not walk their children to their classes.

    Teachers and staff will stop visitors at all entrances and direct them to go to the front office
    entrance. This is not meant as an inconvenience for our families and friends, but as a safety measure
    for our students to control who has access to them in the morning.

    After 7:55 all students entering the building will be considered tardy and will come through the
    front office.




    Student Dismissal Traffic Procedures

    Freedom Elementary dismisses each day at 3:05 p.m. for bus riders, 3:15 for walkers, and 3:25 for
    car riders. Early dismissal will be 11:55 for bus riders, 12:05 for walkers, and 12:15 for car riders.

    We supervise students outside during dismissal for 15 minutes after dismissal has started. After 15 minutes,
    any student not picked up is brought to the foyer to watch for their parent/guardian.

    Refer to the traffic map below for a visual of student dismissal procedures, pick-up locations,
    parking, and no-parking areas. Remember that these procedures are put in place for every child’s safety.
    Everyone following the procedures will help to make dismissal safe and quick for all.

    Mobile phones are never to be used in the parking lot while your car is running.

    1. Walkers will be released through the east doors between the gym and cafeteria.

    2. Kindergarten students (and their older school aged siblings) who are picked up by car will be
    dismissed from the Kindergarten wing (east canopy). Kindergarten parents will form a line in the
    right hand lane. When you pull into the Kindergarten Dismissal Zone, a teacher will help your child
    into the backseat passenger side of your car. Please teach your Kindergarten student to buckle
    his/her own seatbelt. A staff member will direct you to move your car to the left hand lane at the crosswalk
    close to the school so you may exit the parking lot.

    3. Third grade and Second grade parents with students whose last names start with the letters A-L will be
    picked-up at the Third grade wing (west canopy). Parents in the pick-up line for Third grade and
    Second grade with students’ last names starting with the letters A-L will form a line in the left hand
    lane. A staff member will direct you to move your car to the right hand lane at the crosswalk close to the
    building. When you pull into the grade Dismissal Zone, a teacher will be there to guide your child
    to your car.

    4. First grade (and their older siblings) will be dismissed from the first grade wing (east wing), in the
    back parking lot. Enter the back parking lot from Bison Drive and enter the left lane. A staff
    member will direct you to move your car to the right hand lane at the crosswalk close to the building. When
    you pull into the Dismissal Zone, a teacher will be there to help your child into the backseat
    passenger side of your car.

    5. Fourth grade and Second grade parents with students whose last names start with the letters M-Z will be
    dismissed from the Fourth grade wing (west wing). Enter the back parking lot from Bison Drive
    and stay in the right hand lane. When you pull into the grade Dismissal Zone, a teacher will be there
    to guide your child to your car. A staff member will direct you to move your car to the left hand lane at the
    crosswalk close to the school so you may exit the parking lot.

    6. For families and car pick-up with multiple students you may pick-up your group at the youngest
    child’s pick-up location. For example, if you have a Kindergarten student and a Third grade student,
    the Third grade student will walk to the Kindergarten dismissal area and sit with his/her sibling or
    group. If this is your situation, please write a note to all of the children’s teachers informing them of
    the pick-up location, student names, grade levels, and teachers’ names of the children who will need
    to be placed together. Children will not be allowed to go to any other pick-up location without
    parental consent.

    7. Any changes in your student dismissal routine, whether permanent or temporary, must be done
    in writing or a phone call by a parent/legal guardian through the classroom teacher or our office.
