• We believe strong, positive relationships are vital to healthy child development, and to overall student success. The House System is a way to create smaller communities within our campus community, which consists of more than 1,200 students and educators.  The House System is designed to promote relationships and connections with additional students and adults in the building, outside of just your child's class or team of teachers.


    Starting the first week of school, students are randomly selected to belong to one of eight houses. Each house is represented by a unique color, crest, and name.  Each name represents something different, and is meant to embody the spirit of that house.


    The initial sorting process is a special time that builds excitement around becoming part of a new intermediate school family, particularly after having left the familiarity of elementary school.  Students will be welcomed with a house t-shirt and wrist band, as well as participating in fun activities to earn house points.


    House points are awarded on a daily basis for demonstrating good character, and for contributing positively to our school.  Every teacher and staff member can award house points daily, through an app on their phone, which sends all points to a large bank.


    At the end of the year, one house will earn the distinguished title of "House Cup Champion," and receive an exclusive house reward.  Time spent with your housemates is scheduled and meant to build both school and house spirit.